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The 11 Preparation Prompts 

I have made a list of prompt exercises to help you work on your drama school monologues. I sit on panels for two of the UK's leading drama schools and have listed these exercises you can do ,with both classical and contemporary monologues, to help you work on and add detail to your texts. This is meant to be a free guide that is accompanied by detailed explanations through text and videos, uploaded weekly to my TikTok, Instagram and website. I created and teach this scheme of work at leading drama schools, such as Emil Dale Academy. 


Why Make this? 

I believe that drama school training should be acsessible to everyone. This is why I have created a series that gives you quick and easy advice to improve your monologue for free! However, these prompts can and should be used by anyone. Whilst I've focused on reaching out to people auditioning for drama school these tis can be used for anything acting related. 

What are the 11 Preparation Prompts? 

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